Sunday, November 14, 2010

People with bags on their heads

People are weird when it comes to football. Every aspect of it... seriously. I mean, the camera just panned through the crowd and showed some fan who had a paper bag on his/her head. It's the Colts vs. the Bangles. What the heck does a bag on your head have to do with EITHER of those teams?? There are waaaay too many weird things that fans do to mention all of them. The crazy painted faces (I wonder if those people regret it the next day when they wake up to find left-over paint on their pillows and that their faces are still blue but they still have to go to work), painting letters on your chest (30 degree weather.. come on. Just cause you love a "smash, pound, grunt" sort of sport it doesn't mean your IQ has to drop 100 points whenever you watch it), and then that whole cheese-head thing. Yeah... we're not going to talk about that one, I just find it somewhat "interesting."

Regardless of all of these things, here I sit, getting very easily distracted by the last 3 minutes of game time for this match-up, praying that my team will be able to shut out the Bangles during the last few minutes and as such win the game. I make fun of it and I make fun of Drew quite often for his "excessive fantatasism" but still I find myself getting really excited when I hear that the Colts are playing. It doesn't matter who, I still get excited.

My knowledge of football and all of the crazy strategies and terms has more than tripled since I married Drew. Considering my knowledge was at the level of "it's a game... with a ball... and running.." that's not all that surprising. But still, it's kind of interesting to see how in one year I have gone from hating to watch sports in general to liking them now. (YAY! The Colts just won by the way... and now Drew is sitting there muttering about how awful of a game it was and he can't believe he watched the whole thing.. hehe)

Well, besides sports taking over my life (by the way... posing an idea: I think I want to start training to do another 10K run. There has to be one around here. Ok, it's official: I'm going to research that and try to find one for next... um... July? So let it be written, so let it be done!)

Oh yeah, so besides sports, life is going alright. Work right now is fairly tolerable I think. I know I tend to complain a lot when it comes to work and I know i need to work on that. I don't like the hours but I definitely know that the Lord has his hands in everyting I'm doing and I have dodged some major bullets in terms of avoiding crazy horrible clients and working RIDICULOUS hours. 10 is my limit and I like that.. good grief I can't believe I think 10 hour days is reasonable :P

Drew is signed up for the GRE and he now has a study book. He's taking the test on the 9th of December (please pray for him!!). We both feel really good about this route. I just wish it was February or March so we could have a better idea of where we're heading. We'll see what happens when we get there. I know it'll all work out.

So yeah... no gonna lie. The Next Iron Chef is on right now and I really am getting even more distracted by it. Plus, ugh... it's 9:40 and I really don't want to have to go to bed. I'm going to try to figure out some way to make the next hour feel longer than it actually is. Here we go!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So, after a ridiculously un-productive day at work I am now home with basketball playing in the background (as usual), all of the lights off, and my eyes starting to droop even though it's not even 9:30. It's funny how we find habits even when we feel life is too chaotic and unpredictable for them.

On a completely different topic: I'm going to see how this blog things goes. My journal writing has been rather lacking lately and I realized that I should really be chronicling the happenings of Drew and me. For this post: hello, if you don't know us I'm not sure why you're reading this blog but you're still free to know what's happening in my small world. For the later: more random details of our lives than you could ever possibly want to know.