Friday, May 18, 2012

And then there was 4 months of silence

Wow.. it's a wonder if anyone ever reads this thing considering I haven't written anything for 4 months. Yeah yeah yeah I suck. Sorry about that all y'all.

It's been a crazy couple of months and yet at the same time I couldn't tell you anything really big that happened. Actually, that's a complete lie. Something ginormously big happened: I'M AN AUNT!!!!! Yep, that's right, I am finally an aunt. Look at this little bundle of adorable cuteness:

Lilly Lynn Goodrich was born on May 8 in the morning weighing 8 lbs 4 oz and measuring 19 inches long. She is possibly one of the cutest newborns I've ever seen and I think it may have something to do with her 3 chins as well as her neck chin. She's so squishy and cute and I love and want to keep her :D

Look at this.. how can you not love it.

So yeah, congrats to my brother Ryan and his wife Natalie on the new addition.

Other than that, not much has happened. Drew successfully finished his first semester back at school. It was a lot different than he thought it would be but I think he's really happy to be back on a path to somewhere. I'm quite glad we're back. I seriously LOVE my job. Sure it's stressful some days and sure some days feel like they drag but overall I really really like it. The only down side is that I work with a bunch of old people so it's starting to make me feel like an old soul (aka: boring). I get along with everyone and at work i feel like I am definitely my age but then I come home and realize that I am seriously a stick in the mud.

I've gotten on a crafty rampage over the past few months and that has been amazing. My first project was redoing a nightstand that I bought for $20 from DI. I am in love with this green color; it was awesome that I just found the can of paint there in the garage too.

The next project was revamping the room just off of the bedroom. It was jam packed full of furniture pieces and it was basically just a cluttered mess. With James coming to live with us I had to move my sewing stuff out of the guest bedroom and I decided to clean out this space off of the bedroom. It looks so good now and is my new craft room. LOVE IT.

After I got my craft room set up, I had to do some crafty things so I made this baby cap via crochet and then I made a baby dress for Lilly. I had no idea how big to make the dress so I'm afriad it fits a little bit tight but I thought it looked pretty cute. Especially for something made from old scraps.

So I have seen more doctors in the past 3 months than I would care to count. The doctors decided they wanted to just attack this whole thing and figure out where I'm at health wise. I've had an EKG, an ecocardiogram, some sort of x-ray thingy, and more blood drawn than I knew was in the body. Annoyingly enough, i'm healthy. So yeah, i'm trying to decrease my stress and work out more often though this week has not been the best for either of those things. There's a half marathon in August that I really want to run in but I"m not sure if I'm going to be up to that distance by then. Here's hoping I can pull off a miracle :P

On a final note, I want to give a shout-out to my amazing friend Samantha Mello. She messaged me a couple of weeks ago and asked that I include something in my blog about a cause that is near and dear to her heart and to everyone who knows her. Samantha and two of her sisters have cystic fibrosis, an illness affecting the lungs. Essentially, an excess of mucus covers the lungs and makes breathing difficult. Even though this is a deadly disease, the entire time I have know Sam she has always been such a bright ray of happiness and love. She is always cheerful and is quick to make those around her smile. I've always looked up to her so much for all that she is and all that she is trying to becoming. Sam let me know, however, that her oldest sister is currently awaiting a double-lung transplant in Seattle. To show support for her sister and to try to make a difference, Sam is participating in the Great Strides Walk in Boise, ID - a fundraising event aiming to help raise enough money to find a cure for the disease. I hate asking for money but this is truly a worthy cause. If you are able to either give a few dollars or even participate that would be an incredible thing. Like I said, Samantha is an amazing person I would do anything for her. I know some of you don't know her but even then this walk is showing supports for hundreds affected by CF. You can donate at the following site. Sam - our thoughts and prayers are with your sister. I hope everything goes well for her!!